website conditions

website terms & conditions

  • All hosting is supplied by external third party providers. Fruitful Creative is not responsible for any down-time or loss of business that may occur.
  • Please check the hosting limitations carefully. If your requirements differ from what is included, you may need to upgrade to another plan.
  • Ongoing training and support is not included, (unless provided by 3rd party hosting providers). Any support or extra training that is required will be charged at our regular rate.
  • If any of your requirements are not mentioned in this quote, it will then be considered as additional works. Any additional works will incur extra costs. You will be notified prior to any additional work being undertaken to meet these new requirements. Please let us know if there are any features that you want to include in your site that may not be mentioned on this quote.
  • We have a two week turn around on any browser issues, which means that you must inform us of any issues with browser compatibility within the first 14 days of the site going live. Once the 14-day period is over, any compatibility issues will attract additional charges.
  • Check all material you submit to us carefully. We have to rely on the accuracy of all information you provide to us and hold no responsibility for checking this information on your behalf. If the information you supply to us contains any errors we maintain no liability in any way for any resulting issues as a consequence. Additionally for us to make changes to correct errors to the website will attract additional charges.
    50% deposit is required to start your project and the balance before the site goes live. If content cannot be supplied within 5 weeks after designs have been approved by you, full payment may be required after 5 weeks and work to be completed as supplied. Due to the length of some projects, progress payments may be required. By paying your deposit, you are agreeing to our terms as displayed here.

Please note:

You may add more content/services/pages to the site, please contact us for a quote.

All websites are hosted on our platform and cannot be created on any other platform. No further discounts apply if you do not need some of the services or features listed.

Social media setup (if you don't have accounts already set up) is not included - contact us for a quote.

Conditions apply.

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